Friday, August 24, 2007

Our neighborhood

Just back from a week in the ATL and I have some observations about our neighborhood. (This will serve as a warning for all who would like to stay and P&S's B&B.)

  1. In general, folks are afraid of dogs. I can't tell you how many times people asked me if Summer bites. At first I didn't know what to say. She never has bitten, but I didn't really want to say that. This week, I developed my standard answer, which is, "Sometimes" with a great big smile on my face. It seems to work.

  2. The other dogs in our neighborhood probably do bite. Most of them are mutts, some rottweilers and the like. The majority are chained up in yards next to a dog house of some sort. Others are obedient enough that they just stay in their yards without being tied up. They'll bark as you walk by, but they don't cross the property line - even when I have Summer. I've only seen one other guy walking a dog, and he was using a rope instead of a leash. Generally, the dogs seem to serve their purpose, which is to scare off strangers. Sometimes they're a bit intimidating, but mostly I feel sorry for them.

  3. If you go running, the locals will think that you are nuts. They're nice about it. They'll even shout out a few words of encouragement (I heard more than a few "Go'on girl!"s.) But they would never dream of going out for a jog. When I was pulling out the other day, I did see one dude trotting down the road at a nice pace. I immediately thought I'd found a kindred soul - maybe even a running buddy! As he got closer, I noticed there was a cigarette dangling out of the corner of his mouth. He was puffing in-and-out as he jogged. When he reached the gas station on the corner, he stopped at the pay phone to make what must have been an urgent call. Oh well.

All this said, I'm glad we moved to our neighborhood. Everyone is extremely friendly and aroma of BBQ that wafts through the streets on the weekends is fantastic.


Chaka said...

Thanks for the warning. I will arrive in Atlanta armed with tazers and mace.

The Hall said...

Right on. Smart man.

A2Girl said...

hmmmm-- perhaps you should think about what they are saying and use caution when running....though being chased by a parro -right - dog in spanish- yes - will make you run faster for your marathon...i'm just saying

Chaka said...

a2girl, you've gotta stop sleeping through Spanish class.

The Hall said...

Agreed! Perro. Dog.

Chaka said...

Excellent, Hall! Please move to the front of the class room.

Pauly said...

¿Sí Dave, pero sobre qué si somos totalmente fluidos en español? ¿Podemos justo ir a casa e ir a dormir?

Chaka said...

¿Paul, handy though you may be with these little question markies, you are not yet fluent enough to risk sleeping through class? ¿Head's up!?

Hud said...

Pauly and the Hall. Next to Buttercrud, this is the second best phrase I've learned this weekend.

And in LA, we learn our Spanish from Telemundo and billboards: Tienes sed? Mucho gusto.