Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the bus

It's a rainy Sunday afternoon and I'm on my way to New York City on the Cornell Campus to Campus bus. It's no Pfizer jet, but a pretty cushy ride none-the-less. Think free snacks, wi-fi, and my very own charging station.

It's been 14 years since I've been to New York City, and I'm psyched for the trip. I'll be staying with the notorious Candie Branch and doing some reporting on Cornell's nutrition education programs before taking the bus back tomorrow night. As always, it's hard to be away from A. But I'm excited for some kickin' Thai food tonight, and to stand amidst sky-scrapers for probably only the second time this year. They do hold their own kind of beauty, don't you think?

Over and out.


Alison said...

Eat a bagel and lox for me!

Anonymous said...

Nice to be an adult!