Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Tale Of Blood Mountain

Having just read the last Harry Potter book, my mind was racing as to what Blood Mountain would look like. As I set out with Summer on the Appalacian Trail this morning, I expected to get to the top of the mount on my hike and see our spectacled hero doing battle with the Death Eaters and Voldemort. The view was magic, but no spell casting in sight. A great 7 mile hike. Summer has never walked that far before and she's been asleep ever since we got home - a tired dog is a happy dog!


A2Girl said...

how was the heat treating you PAuly -did you have to leave at 5am to beat the humidity - yikes -

beware of summer meeting a porcupine out there....she is the sort of pup that I think would take pleasure in barking at our spindly friend...:)

have you been out on bike rides?

Chaka said...

I don't know about Brer Porcupine, but you'd better watch out for that tricky Brer Rabbit and the sly Brer Fox. They're all over them hollers down in Georger.

Anonymous said...

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Chaka said...

Oye Comerciante De la T-Camisa,

¿Es usted un amigo de Paul y de Sheri de sus recorridos Peruanos, o apenas un spammer? Usted fija es interesante, y no soy seguro cuál a pensar.

El Weirdo Americano